Thursday 31 October 2013

The Kinky Question...

OK, guys. It's finally happened. I've found someone who meets all of my silly criteria and we met up yesterday which was so fun. We went to Notting Hill and it was just so pretty and aaahhhhhh.
We get along so well and we were laughing and, ah... Humbug/Cutie is just fabbity fantabulous.
How do I phrase this...
I sit next to Humbug's best friend in French and he thinks that I - the nun called Grammar Gals - am "kinky". As in, 50 Shades Of Grey handcuff-me-sir-let's-have-a-spanking-time.
You guys know I am about as sexual as a donner kebab covered in milk and scattered in almonds. It's just not something I would describe myself as.
But it's not like he called me 'sexual'. He called me 'kinky'. And according to Bazz I give off a kinky vibe. This perplexes me because the last time I checked I don't
A. Carry around handcuffs and ask people to "arrest me".
B. Own or wish to own a whip.
C. Have a cute maids-outfit. OK, I have lingerie. But that doesn't count...

Well, I'm open to costumes to be honest.
This makes me...inventive?
Oh, I don't know. Don't judge my life.
Anyways, things are going really well with Humbug even though last weekend I got completely drunk and left a text on his phone which read: "Oh oh oh mysterious 'biu' I wanna get close to youuuuu". Yes, I'm surprised that he is still dating me, too. I was at lunch with him yesterday and he whipped out his phone and showed me a voicemail where I called him "soo fucking hot" and then proceeded to rabbit on about how I was a "drunk skunk, like OMG soooooo drunk".
So, I'm moving to Antartica.
Keep you posted!

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