Monday 21 November 2011

An Infatuation with Mr Robinson..

I blame my education for a lot of things. I blame it for not teaching me how to handle my mentally unstable teachers and not giving me any real interaction with boys (unless you include sweaty year 8 discos - which I don't). The only interaction I have now with boys is that I see The Rat Pack from a distance: that's the name I've decided to give to the group of good-looking boys in my school's sixth form. If anyone out there is clueless as to why they are the "Rat Pack" it's not because they resemble vermin, but it's because they resemble the beauty of the  60s Rat Pack of Sammy Davis Jr, Frank Sinatra, Deam Martin and in my dreams I'd be their Marilyn Monroe..! Let's get back to real life. In real life the only interaction I have with boys is with male teachers. This has led, for me, to what some may call a "Daddy Dilemna" but which I find a creepy name, so let's call it "Problem: Mr Robinson". Basically, I am and have been for a few year now, mildly atracted to men double my age - this includes certain teachers and celebrities (the latest infatuation is Tom Cruise) and it's an uncurable disease! 
On more relevant information, I have a date with Mr Knight next weekend but I think he's being distant with me...Just when I was about to ask him...Oh never mind..
Grammar Gal

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